Contact Center Resource and Cost Management

Effective management of financial resources is a critical management function. SGCi facilitates this activity with several management tools. We facilitate planning with our callcenterGeniusTM Cost Benefit Analysis Tool. This management tool allows you to conduct an analysis of technology, large team design, and other operational changes utilizing Erlang C and other mathematical models.

Agent Resource Model

This management decision model is specifically designed to estimate agent resources based on recent work trends. The tool allows for the control of forecasts using a weighted average, smoothed average, and other models. Managers can modify call volumes, call length, agent resources, and other assumptions to produce different iterations of estimates.

Business Case Analysis Tool

This tool is essential for large, complex change management in the contact center environment. The tool allows managers to create a model of the existing operations and then present a projection of future performance of up to 5 years. The tool utilizes net present values, and the output includes financial ratios, ROI, and other critical management information.